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Flood Recovery – How to Get Back on Your Feet After a Disaster

Flood recovery can be a lengthy process and may require the assistance of professionals. Many tasks must be completed, such as pumping water, removing carpet and drywall, cleaning and disinfecting the home’s interior and exterior and replacing damaged electrical wiring and appliances. Having the right tools and knowing what to do can make the job much easier.

It is important to stay safe during the cleanup and repair flood recovery process. Standing flood waters can be dangerous, as well as contaminated with chemicals or sewage. It is also important to watch for fallen debris and downed power lines in or near your home, as well as weakened building foundations.

If you have been impacted by flooding, it is important to contact your insurance company as soon as possible. This will help to prevent further damage and assist with the best outcome on your claim.

Often, the most effective way to get back on your feet after a disaster is by using local resources and support networks. Volunteer groups like the American Red Cross, church groups and community service organizations are often on-hand to provide clean up kits, food, clothing and housing. State and federal agencies may also offer relief. These programs typically only offer short-term assistance, but can be critical to people who have lost their homes or been rendered homeless.

Recovering from a flood requires both physical and emotional strength. Some of the hardest tasks include assessing damage to your property and deciding what to keep or throw away. You should consider the amount of time and effort required to restore or replace an item, its value and sentimental significance.

It’s also important to stay hydrated during the cleanup and to wear rubber gloves when handling cleaning products or flood-damaged items. It’s important to check the local news to find out whether your area’s drinking water has been contaminated with sewage or other contaminants. If this is the case, you should use bottled water and avoid contact with any flooded areas.

You should also test your home’s air quality after a flood, to ensure that the humidity doesn’t cause mold growth or other problems. If your home’s moisture level is too high, you will need to remove drywall and insulation, which can take weeks to dry completely.

Be sure to turn off all utilities at the main switches and valves if instructed to do so. If you notice any downed wires, report them to your local utility company. If you have access to a generator, it can be helpful to have a power source in the event of prolonged outages.

Once you’ve removed any flooded drywall and insulation, be sure to spray it with a bleach and water solution to kill mould and bacteria and to sanitize the wall studs and plates. Then, you should leave the walls open until they’re completely dried, which could take up to a month. Until then, dehumidifiers and fans should be used to speed the drying process.

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